6 Simple Steps to Achieving Glowing Skin

6 Simple Steps to Achieving Glowing Skin

Who wouldn’t want to have beautifully glowing skin?

Glowing skin is one of the most appealing physical features that one can have. This plays a huge role in how healthy, youthful and radiant we look. There are a variety of things that can come into play, here are 6 simple steps that contribute to achieving more radiant looking skin. 

Establish a skin care routine that works for you 

The number one rule to skin care is to know your skin and use products or follow a procedure that work according to your skin. It is easy to access information on all the latest products and skin care techniques, but you may find that in using suggestions some things either don’t work or make your skin worse. Based upon your skin type and what works best for you, find and adopt a routine and then stick with it.

Use mild cleansers or soaps 

Many of the mainstream commercialized soaps or sometimes even the cleansers that are highly popularized in the market can be formulated with a series of harsh ingredients that can be harmful or drying to the skin. Because of this it is often recommended to stay away from harsh soaps and washes. As an alternative use a suitable cleanser, these can be less intense on the skin or go for a naturally formulated soap made with plant based and organic ingredients. When Cleansing, do so twice daily, but avoid overcleaning to prevent dryness’s and stripping your skin of those natural oils it needs

Exfoliate your skin 

Exfoliating helps to get rid of the dull and dead skin and assist in giving the skin a smoother and healthier appearance and feel. Exfoliate as necessary, be sure that you are not over doing this step. Experts recommend doing so 1-3 times a week, however it truly is based more on what best suits your skin. There is such thing as over doing it so stick to what you see your skin needs and can handle. Too much exfoliation can cause irritation or be damaging to the skin or strip your skin of the necessary natural oils. When parts of the skin are dry or rough that may be a good time to exfoliate, but avoid doing so if the skin is itchy or irritated.

Don’t over do it 

If you read the cleansing and exfoliating sections you notice the points of refraining from doing too much of it. This is important, because if you over cleanse you will be too dry and if you over exfoliate you can harm your skin. The natural oils that your body produces are king! Your skin needs those natural oils so you don’t want to constantly strip and deprive your skin of that. Cleanse twice a day and as hard as it sounds avoid taking showers that may be too long or too frequent. When exfoliating avoid doing it too frequently, do so only according to what your skin needs.

Eat & Drink Healthy

The diet is not a game. It’s not just what you apply on your skin, but what you drink and eat as well. The drinks and foods we consume can play a major role on our skin. If you do not consume enough vitamins and nutrient filled substances, your body will suffer.  A great vitamin hack is Seamoss, because it contains 92 of the 102 vitamins the body needs to perform at it's best. Drinking water of course is a major key, also eat vegetables and fruits to support the health of your skin and leave the Cheetos, sodas and other unhealthy snacks and drinks to a minimum. If you find yourself struggling with certain skin issues further research the food, drinks and ingredients that you regularly intake that may contribute to the cause of those issues and refrain from consuming them.

Moisturize Moisturize Moisturize! + Products 

Its deeper than avoiding the dry or ashy look. Whether you have dry or oily skin, you need to moisturize to restore your skin’s barrier before being able to improve the deeper problems of the skin. When dry, your skin will be focused on trying to replenish oils on the dry areas and your other deeper rooted skin concerns end up being neglected. The only true way to obtain moisture is through water, so you can look for moisturizers that work best for your skin that encompasses water as an ingredient.

    • Japanese and Korean skin care has been getting a lot of buzz, consider researching and testing those products out. 
    • Vegan/plant base body butters and oils are also great tools to help lock in moisture. You can apply natural butters and oil on damp skin to seal in the moisture of the water or after using a moisturizer you can layer the oil or butter over it to better lock in the moisture from the moisturizer. The Beauty Aesth Body Butter seals moisture, softens and improves the elasticity of the skin leaving your skin with an radiant glow that LASTS and it is not heavy, oily or greasy.
You can now implement these 6 easy steps in your routine to achieve the best glowing results for your skin. Have you already been incorporating any of these steps? Let us know what you think or some tips you believe works best
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