Your Body Issues May Stem From Being Malnourished

Your Body Issues May Stem From Being Malnourished

Your skin, scalp, hair or body issues aren't the problem. You may just be malnourished.

Technically, there are so many things that play a role into why we struggle with our bodies, acne, eczema, dry skin and so much more. I can dive deeper into all of the various reasons why people face these things in another post. This time, I want to emphasize one of the main sources that most people fail to acknowledge. Lack of sufficient Nutrients and Vitamins. 

Bodily Conditions may be impacted by lack of nourishment 

  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Hair growth issues
  • Damaged hair strands
  • And more

Why Some products may or may not work

I for one was the person that struggled with my skin and thought that through all the failed commercial products that I would never find a solution! It wasn't until I created the Everything Butter Balm that I realized "Wow, this works". I then wanted to identify "Why?", when so many things failed. I realized that the products we are used to buying in the stores typically offer refined and water down ingredients and they are infused with a bunch of toxic fillers. Now this may work for some people as everyone is physically different, but what works for some may not work for everybody and some of these toxic ingredient cause diseases later on.

Find the right products 

I realized that with me using and implementing natural unrefined ingredients in the Everything Butter Balm, this has made a significant impact, because this means that the ingredients have not been refined or diminished and by applying that directly onto your body or problem areas, your body heals and thrives.

It's often suggested to fix your diet (which is important), but it can take FOREVER and truthfully these meals aren't always enough to reverse the malnourishment in the beginning phase of your healing journey. Sometimes, by the time people realize that they are lacking nutrients its hard to undo the possible years of nutrient deprivation. Finding the right skincare products or even just taking specific vitamins can get you results sooner than later.

Our bodies are different and there are countless options out there, don't lose hope and keep testing until you see what you find for you. Also, look into natural holistic remedies where the ingredients may not have been overly processed.

Improve Your Diet 

Even as you find products that work, there is no bypassing eating healthy. Finding the right products to use topically or even taking your vitamins will help tremendously, but even then we should still improve our diet to better accelerate the vitamins and nutrients or to simply aid and sustain your body in the long term. Eating quality meals and having healthy eating habits will benefit you in the long run. Not eating right catches up to you and it becomes harmful for not just your outer appearance, but internally you will start to run into various different health issues and health scares.

Misconception that some people don't need anything

There are people who are fine and comfortable with themselves because they never break out or run into visibly noticeable problems with their bodies. If that's the case you still want to take care of your body because as previously mentioned we all age and it will catch up to us. Make quality decisions now so that so that your are helping yourself later on

How do you feel about your nutritional intake? Are you getting enough or if you are experiencing challenges with your body do you feel them stem from lack of nutrients or something else?

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